Most Frequent Keywords
After removing flourishing
Below the 20 most frequent keywords of the sample, after removing flourishing -which appears 735 times-, to visually better observer the differents among the others. Well-being is the term that appears the most -191 times-, followed by virtue -109- and positive psychology -81-.
Figure 3.1. Most frequent keywords of the sample, after removing Human Flourishing, until 2021 included.
20 Most Frequent Keywords by Year
After removing flourishing
The plot below shows the longitudinal distribution along time of the 20 most frequent keywords used in documents related with human flourishing. Some of the keywords that have an increasing trend in the last years are: well-being, virtue, positivie psychology, mental health, happiness, eudaimonia, ethics, or values.
Figure 3.2. By double-click on keywords sidebar for first time isolate leyend.